— Being who God has made you!

What It Takes To Be You

Joyce Meyer once said, ‘Be yourself; everybody else is already taken.’

David never formed when he was about to defeat Goliath. Saul gave him his tunic, armor, and helmet. At that moment, David realized that if he was going to defeat the giant, he needed to put off the heavy garment on him.

What’s that heavy garment around you that is making you look like someone else? Be encouraged today to put it off. Because if you don’t, it will only end up putting you to shame. Let it be known to everyone that you are who you are, irrespective of your current situation.

Also Read Pray Often

Moses told God when called that he was a stutterer; he didn’t fake it. He didn’t act like someone who had everything under his sleeves; instead, he came out plain. Gideon said he was the least and was from the poorest clan. In fact, this guy had to admit that he wasn’t the right person for the job. Thankfully for us, God doesn’t call the qualified, but qualifies the called.

It takes a lot of sacrifice to be you because you’re going to discover that there are different kinds of people in life who you think deserve different treatment.

Like they say, different strokes for different folks.

Nonetheless, your consistency in maintaining your poise matters a lot. And don’t forget that whether you’re small or big, dark or fair, huge or moderate, there’s someone watching you to see if you’re truly worth looking up to.

Be genuine, don’t compromise your integrity, and watch how things turn out for your good.

Be joyful always! ❤



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