In this interview with StoriesByAde, the CEO of Bimzchoice N More, Esther Adebimpe Ajayi, discusses her journey of entrepreneurship in Nigeria.


  • What inspired the name Bimzchoice N More?

The name ‘Bimzchoice N More’ was inspired by my given name, Adebimpe. I’ve always wanted to start something as an entrepreneur, but I wasn’t sure what to start with.

(I also do hair, dress, and design.) After much thought, I decided on ‘baking and cooking,’ with the other skills being examined afterward.

That’s where the ‘More’ in the name ‘Bimzchoice N More‘ comes in.


  • Have you always wanted to undertake cooking and baking?

Both yes and no.

Yes, I have always enjoyed cooking and baking, especially for my family and friends. When I watch people eating and enjoying themselves, I feel an inner joy.

No, since I enjoy cooking and baking, although I expected to work a 9–5 job as a career or profession. Despite my background in public administration, I only worked briefly as an administrative professional.

However, owing to some challenges, I had to concentrate on my entrepreneurial skills.


  • What are some of the life lessons you’ve learned that have shaped your way of thinking?      

Some of the life’s lessons I’ve learned include: 

  • Be kind for no reason.
  • Believe in yourself and your ability to do everything you set your mind to.
  • Do what you love and love what you do.
  • Be truthful and trustworthy in whatever you do.
  • Ask God for guidance and trust Him till the end.


  • What would you tell your younger self if you could?

I would tell my younger self these words:

  • Do not be intimidated by anyone.
  • Don’t belittle yourself; don’t belittle others.
  • Ask questions if you don’t understand something.
  • Congratulate yourself.
  • If you wish to learn a skill, go ahead; no talent is wasted.
  • Stop putting things off.
  • Learn from the mistakes of others and strive not to repeat them.
  • In your prayers, always talk to God.


  • What are the challenges of running a bakery business in Nigeria?

Materials, electricity, logistics, and so on.


  • How do you believe the government can assist people starting small businesses?

Some of the processes involved in obtaining grants or loans in Nigeria are competitive and difficult. If the government makes grants more accessible to young people, it will help foster entrepreneurship.

Access to basic utilities and other requirements of life, such as the ability to transport your products to other states and have electricity to preserve some perishable commodities, are also required for the growth of entrepreneurship in Nigeria.


  • It is normal to have bad days in life. Have you ever experienced a low point, and how did you recover?

By His grace, yes. Through prayer, I was able to overcome every setback. Prayer helps me to calm my mind (especially when you’re aware that you’re not alone).

In my spare time, I enjoy cooking since it makes me happy.

Eating (particularly something I’ve been yearning for a long time)


  • What activities do you engage in to unwind your mind?

Cooking (trying out new dishes) allows me to unwind. 

I write down my thoughts.

I listen to music or watch movies.

Sometimes, I enjoy hanging out with or talking to people that make me laugh.


  • What factors do you think are important before launching a business in Nigeria?

First and foremost, ask yourself if it is truly what you want to do.

Conduct a feasibility study.

Read books or learn more about the business.

Finance (for capital and other purposes).


  • What are some of the things we can expect from you in the coming years?

To make a name for myself.

Having other branches in other states.

To have my own foundation.

Giving back to society as a whole.


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