— The idea that fruits and vegetables can do as much as most pharmaceuticals still seems unbelievable to many people.

It was often remarked that water is underappreciated and fruits are overrated. 

This is the reason why someone would rather buy drugs from a store than sip water at home. 

The last sentence was intended to highlight our sometimes blatant ignorance of less serious problems that, with the right action, could have been handled successfully. 

Should Fruits Replace Food?

Fruits should be consumed in moderation; they are not intended to replace food in the human body. Fruits are good for the body because they provide nourishment and release essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs to thrive, maintain health, and live a long life. 

Despite their importance, neither food nor fruits can completely replace the other as they are mutually beneficial. Fruits have been shown to be harmful to human health when confused with other foods. It is always advised to consume more fruits and exercise as much as you can if you want to lose weight. However, some people have damaged their bodies by abstaining from certain foods in an attempt to lose weight more quickly.

On the other hand, consuming fruits alone without any nourishment might damage the body and result in excessive weight loss. If you have to lose weight, make sure you see a qualified and experienced dietician who can advise you on a healthy eating plan. 

Some Common Fruits and Their Benefits

  • Watermelon 

A valuable fruit, watermelon can help you fight cancer, remain hydrated, ease muscular aches, gain clear skin, provide you fiber, and much more.

  • Banana 

One fruit you definitely don’t want to play about with is the banana. One of the healthiest foods, bananas are full of nutrients. When consumed unripe, bananas enhance insulin sensitivity, aid in weight loss, nourish the digestive system, and are rich in antioxidants.

  • Mango

In Nigeria, there is a particular time for mango season. This implies that you can eat healthily and enjoy the season. Mangos have several health benefits, such as promoting human vision, which means they help eyesight, heart health, skin health, and digestion. They are also a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and pectin. 

  • Pineapple

In addition to being tasty, pineapple has nutritional advantages. Pineapple has many health benefits, such as lowering the risk of cancer, reducing inflammation, promoting better digestion, and having antioxidants, manganese, and vitamin C.

  • Apple

All that some people would know about apples is that they are pricey fruits. In Nigeria, an apple can cost as much as N300. Apples are an expensive fruit, but the upside is that they are not a costly joke. Apples are very nutrient-dense, strong in antioxidants, and high in fiber. It increases brain function and health, lowers the risk of high blood pressure, strokes, and cancer and diabetes. 

As you may be aware, vegetables are more than simply the well-known “ugwu” and other leaves. Let’s examine a few vegetable varieties and their health advantages. 

  • Vegetable varieties

Leafy greens: Cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, and so forth.

Marrow: Cucumber, zucchini, and pumpkin

Allium: Shallot, garlic, and onion.

Vegetables provide several health benefits. These advantages include lowering blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, blood sugar, preventing some cancers, fighting inflammation, promoting good skin, and many more.

  • Water

Apart from its composition of hydrogen and oxygen, water is an extremely potent chemical that is necessary for life.

According to the World Bank, water is essential for economic and social development since it helps with job creation, environmental management, food production, energy generation, and health maintenance. 

Information About Water

There is no set amount of water that needs to be consumed every day by everyone.

Human blood contains ninety percent water, whereas adults are sixty percent water.

Dehydration can make the skin more prone to wrinkles and other skin conditions.

Advantages of Water

  • Water consumption maintains the mouth healthy.
  • It supplies oxygen to every part of the body.
  • Enhances the appearance and health of skin.
  • It controls how warm the body gets.
  • It eliminates bodily waste.
  • Kidney injury is avoided by it.
  • Water aids in weight loss as well.
  • Given the advantages of fruits, water, and vegetables that have been discussed, there is absolutely no excuse for you to ignore your diet. 


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