— Surulere holds a dear meaning to those who have chosen to apply it to their lives.

Surulere had eventually paid off the Alarades. Not just the environment, but the name had worked for the family. The name Surulere holds a dear meaning to those who have chosen to apply it to their lives.

Baba Ibeji was glad to be back home, even though it was now in Surulere. His term in jail had been a trying moment for his family. A lot had happened in his absence. The twins were now graduates, and his daughter Temitope was doing remarkably well overseas with her fiancé. 

The neighborhood, too, had experienced a transformation. Residents from Lagos Island were beginning to find Surulere attractive, and so more people moved there. This trend was conspicuous by the rate of new tenants seen in the neighborhood.

The changes in the neighborhood amazed Baba Ibeji, and for the sake of confirmation, he concluded that the people moved in because of the name attached to the place. The reason is not farfetched, as we Nigerians attach meaning to every situation and occurrence. When one wakes up and sees a dead cockroach lying on the floor, something victorious has happened overnight. Even when you stay at home and nothing happens, meaning is still attached to it.

Baba Ibeji summoned his wife, who was preparing for the day’s sales: ‘’Iya Ibeji, aya mi, Iya awon omo mi, please come.’’ With smiles, he said to his wife, ‘I want us to go home, seek our parents blessings, and ask for forgiveness.’

”No matter how careful a child is when eating cornmeal, the child will always have sticky hands,” our people say. ‘’Even though we found a home here in Lagos, it is better for us and the children to visit our people.’’ Baba Ibeji told his wife. Iya Ibeji responded, ”Oko mi”, ”you have the final say.” ‘’Next weekend would be best for us. We will take the twins along to see their grandparents.’’ Baba Ibeji concluded.

 Also Read CHAPTER THIRTEEN Little Beginnings


‘’I’m glad and proud of what you and your husband have done. ”You both did the right thing,” she said.

Iya Ibeji had narrated how the people, especially her family, received her with joy. The twins were most welcomed, and the elders were most glad to render their oriki. Aebimpe’s parents had a lot to say to her.

They explained how they made efforts to try to reach her. They had realized the importance of love and how important it was to allow their children to marry whoever they chose. Adebimpe, in her usual style, wept and appreciated her family for accepting her back home.

The Alarade compound in Oladele was filled with elders. They scolded him for taking such a rash decision to leave the village. Eventually, they reconciled, and everyone welcomed the twins. It was a joyous occasion, as friends and family had gathered to celebrate. As proud as Baba Ibeji was of his daughter abroad, he never mentioned her to the villagers. After all, the Yorubas will say, ‘bi isu eni ba jina, a ma fi owo bo ni.’

Both families promised to visit frequently. They assured them that they wouldn’t be far from each other, especially the children. They all bade each other farewell and left for Lagos after spending a week with them.

Temidun left for Ikoyi after enjoying Iya Ibeji’s recount of her trip to the village. Bayo, the driver, made the trip home more enjoyable by driving cautiously to Ikoyi. Jide, Temidun’s husband, was back home from his trip to London and was home with his children when Temidun arrived. She walked slowly into the living room, where her family was.

‘’Mummy!’’ The children screamed. The children had anticipated their mother’s arrival and were happy to welcome her back home. Their father, too, was waiting to hear about her sister’s trip. He knew definitely that the villagers were hard nuts to crack, as he had also tasted them before marrying Temidun.

Jide had reserved his own story for his children. He knew they would hear his own part of the story when the time came. He resolved that his children would never be hindered from exploring life and its wonderful opportunities, especially when love was involved.                                             


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