— Arriving New York

The university had already accepted her doctoral application before her arrival. Ben also got a confirmation from his clinic to transfer to New York. This was a good outcome for the couple, as it allowed them to increase the bond already in existence.

‘’Temitope, it’s so good to see you!, Kehinde exclaimed.’’ Kehinde had anticipated her return and was hoping to get enough gists out of her. She had fantasized about going to Nigeria and wanted to accompany Temitope, but she decided to let them go as a couple. Temitope was happy to see her friend, who stood like a sister to her. She explained to her friend how the trip went and told her about her intention of bringing her family over to America to stay. Kehinde, who was not surprised to hear this, was assured that it would be rewarding to bring her parents over, as the hope of every parent as they get older is to be close to their children. Kehinde reasoned with Temitope that her decision would yield positive results in the future.

Also Read CHAPTER FIFTEEN Little Beginnings

Preparations were made in order to move both parents abroad. People at home and abroad collaborated in hastening the process. Baba Ibeji solicited the help of Temidun in overseeing the entire process. While efforts were made abroad, much effort was put into Nigeria. Iya Ibeji went to see her sister. ”Temidun, my sister and friend, thank you for standing by my family,” she said. Still in an emotional state, she continued, ‘’Words are not enough to express my gratitude to you, my beloved sister.’’ Before she could utter another statement, Temidun cut in. ‘’Aunty mi, the cord that bids siblings is very strong. I can never overlook that. Anything I do for you and your family is likened to what I do for myself’’ She said. ‘’We are one. Your children are my children, so there should be no reason for you to thank me.’’ Temidun explained it to her sister convincingly.

As though all her sister said wasn’t enough, Iya Ibeji began to show her appreciation all over. ‘’You will never know why I keep appreciating you. You acknowledge the fact that we are sisters, and you see me as part of your own. Everyone is not privileged to have a sister like you. Temidun, I thank you.” Temidun once again pledged her allegiance to her sister when she told her not to worry about selling the apartment and that she was okay with the plan. She relayed her plans to her husband, who, in turn, requested more time to look into them. He had told her that he needed more time in order to see her reaction. To his amazement, she humbly accepted and told him to take his time deliberating on it.

After a short time, he spoke with his wife and informed her that he had deliberated and determined that the proceeds from the sale of the house would be donated to charity. They proceeded to Temidun’s place to explain their plans to her. Temidun’s husband was also present when the discussion took place. He praised their decision and encouraged them to be consistent with it.


The twins decided to remain in Nigeria and build their own family. They had asked their parents to give them the opportunity to find a place in Nigeria that they could also call home. Taiye reasoned with his parents that, as for them, wherever they went, there would always be a home for them as they both shared one another’s love. Moreover, their parents had taught them that home could be any place as long as love was present.

With the hope of finding another home, Baba Ibeji and Iya Ibeji arrived in New York with nothing but the love that existed in them.




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