Considering the health benefits of guava, is a topic that is rarely discussed in details. 

The fruit guava is known to have therapeutic qualities and can be used to treat a number of illnesses, including high blood pressure and diarrhea. These are a few fascinating guava-related facts.

The guava, also referred to as the “superfruit,” has four times the amount of vitamin C, three times the amount of protein, and four times the amount of fiber of an orange.

The 21% vitamin A concentration of guavas contributes to skin brightness and mucous membrane maintenance.

Furthermore, folate—which is good for expectant mothers and protects the neural tube—makes up 20% of this fruit.

Pink guavas contain lycopene, an antioxidant that helps shield the skin from UV rays and prostate cancer.

Compared to bananas, guavas have more potassium, which lowers blood pressure.

Also Read Benefits of Fruits, Vegetables, and Water

Now, let’s consider the health benefits of guava leaves.

Guava has a lot of health benefits, but it should only be eaten seldom. Guava contains a sugar called fructose, which can be harmful if ingested in excess.

Varieties of Guava (Health Benefits of Guava Leaves 

The varieties of guavas are as follows:

Red and Pink Types

These guavas, often called desert guavas, are usually pink in color and have a pleasant taste. There are plenty of these guavas available in the neighborhood markets. This is commonly available in Hong Kong and has a silky texture with fewer seeds.

Guavas With White And Yellow Colors

This breed’s flavor is often weak, acidic, and odorless. When ripe, the skin appears green, and the interior layer is pale white or yellow. This cultivar can also become pink when ripe.

Guavas come in a wide variety, but they are all thought to be rich in beneficial elements.

Guava’s Health Benefits

The “Queen of Fruits” moniker goes to guava fruits because of their extensive therapeutic benefits. For every 100 grams of guava fruit, there are 68 calories and 8.92 grams of sugar. With 18 grams of minerals per 100 grams, it has a high calcium content as well. This indicates that the fruit may be able to treat a number of illnesses. 

  • Guava Boosts Immune Function.

Oranges are thought to have four times the amount of vitamin C found in guavas. By enhancing immunity, vitamin C gets your body ready to fight off common diseases and viruses. Moreover, increased vitamin C supports healthy vision.

  • Might Reduce The Chance Of Getting Cancer

Antioxidants such as vitamin C, lycopene, and other polyphenols neutralize infections within the body and stop the formation of malignant cells. Research has demonstrated that guava fruit can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and prostate cancer.

  • Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Guava helps prevent diabetes because of its high fiber content and low glycemic index. The Glycemic Index Food Chart can be used to calculate the GIs of additional foods.

  • Guavas May Maintain Heart Health

Guavas are abundant in potassium and sodium, which helps hypertension sufferers’ bodies balance and control their elevated blood pressure. Guavas help lower cholesterol, which is one of the main factors contributing to heart disease. But this fruit increases HDL (good cholesterol) while lowering HDL (bad cholesterol).

  • Helps With Constipation

Guavas have a higher dietary fiber content than other fruits. A single guava provides 12% of your daily fiber needs, which makes it incredibly advantageous for digestive health. It encourages regular bowel movements as well. This lessens the likelihood of constipation.

  • Helps To Enhance Eye Vision

Vitamin A, found in guava fruit, is known to enhance vision. In addition to maintaining good vision, guava prevents cataracts and macular degeneration.

Guava Leaves’ Health Advantages

Western medicine is our go-to treatment for mild illnesses like fever, colds, and coughs. Remember, though, that guava leaves are also incredibly healthful. Guava leaves are quite healthy if the fruit is any indication. 

These are a few advantages of guava leaf that you should know about.

Assists in preventing diarrhea

Lowers cholesterol levels in part.

Aids in controlling blood sugar and losing weight

Aids in the combat of cancer

Facilitates sharp vision

Applied to acne

Guava Leaves For Healthy Hair

An unhealthy scalp is the cause of hair loss. Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant qualities that can fortify your scalp and stop hair loss. Dandruff and problems with the scalp are also treated with it.

Additionally, it has a lot of vitamins B and C, which support and feed hair development. Therefore, if you have a guava tree in your garden, use its leaves to form a paste that you may gently apply to your scalp rather than helping them up and burning them. By doing this, you can stop hair loss and strengthen your scalp.

 Tea with Guava Leaf

In summary, if your green tea is thought to be beneficial, then guava leaf tea is much better and should be drunk if you have stomach problems.

Guava trees grow to a maximum height of 20 feet.

White blossoms are found in guavas.

Only two to eight years after planting, guavas only yield fruit twice a year.

There are 100–500 tiny seeds in the middle of guava fruits. There are some types, nevertheless, that have no seeds.

Vitamins C, A, and E are abundant in guava.



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