Self-deprecation and denigrating can be exceedingly damaging and threatening to one’s growth.

Some of the causes of low self-esteem include a poor upbringing, social impact, parental expectations, peer pressure, and so on.

Low self-esteem can also be influenced by political factors such as your leader disparaging your stance and beliefs.

One of the causes of low self-esteem is poor childhood experiences, which can arise as a result of parental separation. Children in such homes have low self-esteem because they believe other families are better and happier than they are.

Also Read What It Takes To Be You

The girls in such homes try to get a guy, please him and keep so that it wouldn’t look like their parents has left the shoes of separation for them to wear. While the boys in such homes try as much as they can not to have an extra affair outside their relationships. Perhaps, the woman happens to be the bone of contention between them, they still put the blame on themselves.

Low self esteem comes with various negative sides, such as confusing fear with humility, you see yourself as being humble whereas you are just afraid. Taking decisions on behalf of others becomes difficult and daring.

Most crucially, accepting a promotion or task to advance becomes impossible. That’s when you’ll hear reasons such as, “I’m afraid of making mistakes,” “I don’t want to mislead others,” and other similar nonsense.

Low self-esteem, without a doubt, casts a shadow of fear, leaves a trail of panic, and reflects gloom.

Get help as soon as possible!

Do not be silent…most importantly, seek God in whatever you do.


Remain blessed.


  1. Aramide LAWAL

    Low self esteem is a killer of destiny if not confronted with the right measures. As the opposite of low is high, so also, someone having low self esteem can work on him or herself for the self esteem to be high!

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