Temitope Oloidi is the convener of the Spiritual Conversation held every Sunday evening on WhatsApp.

How was Spiritual Conversation born?

Spiritual conversation was born at the place of prayer for identifying purpose, but it was not clear until 2022, and in 2023, it kicked off, and God has been faithful with inspiring and insightful topics that have been a blessing to lives.


Can you tell us a little bit about your background?

My family consists of two boys and two girls. I am the second born. My mother is a deaconess in the Apostolic Church. I left my parents at age 10 to stay with my uncle in Lagos. I attended Alapere Primary School, Lagos, before proceeding to Covenant College, Ogun State.

My tertiary education was at the Federal Polytechnic Offa in Kwara State, where I studied accounting. On campus, I served as president of the Redeem Christian Fellowship (RCF) and academic director of the National Association of Polytechnic Accountancy Student Fellowship (NAPASF).

Currently, I’m a junior data analyst and an ICAN student (in-view)


Were those at any point who encouraged you about what you’re doing now?

Yes, God himself. Faithful is he who calls you, and he will also do it. 1thes. 5:24 He sent me the gift of men, whom I call the MINCHA.


Who are your role models in the race?

My role model is My Father in the Lord, Pst. E. A. Adeboye. He has built a different platform, and from this platform I was able to discover purpose and also enable my spiritual growth. I have numerous teachers, both at home and abroad.


How has the initiative impacted lives?

Yes, it has impacted lives because it enables everyone to cultivate the habit of having a deep study of the scriptures, foster spiritual growth, and bring together young people from different countries to share their understanding of topics. Also, it brings enlightenment to hidden things we don’t know.

Also Read  In All You Do, Have Integrity And Be Honest – Ajayi

As a young person who’s passionate about touching lives, what are the challenges you’ve met and overcome?

The first challenge is “fear” of what people will say; however, this scripture has always come through for me (He said I will send unto you a comforter who will teach all things and bring to remembrance all he has taught us).


How do you handle down moments in life?

Down movement of life, it happens, but John 16:33 “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. And I also go on my knees.


If you were to mention some Bible characters that inspire you, who would they be and why?

Jesus: He lived for 33 years, and purpose was achieved, so it doesn’t matter the number of years; purpose should be your aim.

Nehemiah: Passion for the things of God

Joseph: Fear of God

Daniel- Determined

Elijah, a man of fire

Peter: sincerity and sobered

Paul: Boldness and ruggedness. Many more


What is your take on criticism, and how do you handle it when you’re criticized?

Criticism will come at you, and it takes spiritual maturity to handle it. It is part of what I have learned from my father (Pst. E. A. Adeboye).


What are your plans for spiritual conversation in the coming years?

My plan for spiritual conversation in the coming years is to make it more visible, ensure spiritual growth, and also take spiritual conversation to the prison yard, which is one of my visions for next year.


How can people follow up on what you are doing?

They can join us every Sunday via WhatsApp: 08148644462; they can also follow me – Temitope Oloidi – on my personal handles:

Facebook: Temitope Oloidi Joseph

X (Twitter) @Josepholoidi


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