Despite her battles with Fibrous Dysplasia at age four, against all odds, Adefisayo Adedeji graduated as a microbiologist from Osun State University, and she’s currently a brand ambassador for Nivea.

Adedeji narrates her journey with Juliana Ajayi.


  • Who is Fisayo?

Fisayo is the last of four children; she is fun to be with, very outspoken, and ready to speak up for herself at any time.

  • Can you narrate what made your childhood really challenging?

My childhood was really challenging because I had fibrous dysplasia on the right cheek of my face. I grew up with bullies from practically everyone, and I cry all day from discrimination.

My family members were the ones who always encouraged me to be courageous.

  • Important lessons you have learned in life

The important lesson I have learned so far is to stand up for myself no matter what.

I also learned not to rely on anyone; people change.

  • How did you and your family handle the bullies who bullied you during your health challenges?

My parents were so strong; they stood by me emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally, and even in monetary aspects. They were always there for me.

My siblings showed me love at all times.

Their love made me scale through.

Their love gave me the strength to move on.

  • What would you say to parents whose children bully? and how can society be more accepting of people going through one physical challenge or another?

Parenting matters a lot in children’s lives. Also, what the parents do or how they treat people in front of their kids goes a long way in their lives.

Parents should learn to train their kids to be kind to people.

Society should be enlightened to show love and kindness to people they meet.

We should learn to be kind to others; our little acts of kindness go a long way.

  • Aside from your academic qualifications, what other skills do you have?

I learned tailoring after secondary school, when I couldn’t sit for JAMB due to my deformity.

Although I didn’t finish my tailoring lessons, I sew most of my clothes myself.

Also, being a brand ambassador for Nivea has taught me to be a good marketer. I can say I am good at marketing.


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  • Has your health in any way affected your relationships, and how were you able to handle the situation?

I can say it hasn’t affected my relationship in any way.

I didn’t date all through secondary school because I was so concerned and focused on getting out of my shell because I knew no man would want to be with a girl like me back then.

And after I had my surgery, I gained my full confidence in myself, my self-esteem grew, and I valued myself more.

  • Do you have anything that triggers joy within you?

Yes. My transformation after the surgery gives me so much joy.

  • How was your experience getting treated in a Nigerian hospital?

Oh, my experience was so nice.

I was lucky to have the best team at University College Hospital, Ibadan.

The dental surgery department handled my surgery. It went well, and I was treated so well.

Kudos to Dr. Olusanya and her team for a job well done; God really used them for me.

  • What keeps you going despite everything you’ve been through in life?

Well, I can say that God’s goodness kept me going in life, no matter what. Anytime I remember I have God, I am full of hope for a better tomorrow.

  • Where would you like to see yourself in the few years to come?

Well, in a few years to come, I see myself in a greater place, inspiring and motivating people around me.

  • Your advice to young girls going through challenges

My advice to young girls facing challenges is that they should focus on God and more on themselves to have a brighter future.

They should not allow their challenges to define their future.


  1. Aramide LAWAL

    God makes you Great Adefisayo and Happy Birthday to you. Thank you for not allowing your challenge to set you back and thanks for sharing your story.
    God be with you always Sis.

  2. Ololade

    I bless God for fisayo life actually I didn’t know her when she’s facing this challenges but with the little she tells me I feel for her so much,and she is a very nice and caring person,my only prayer for her is God should give her the best husband that will care for her and make her forget that she ever go through alot .I love you baby 😘 from ololade

  3. Triumph

    Inspiring most say
    But all the same you scaled through

  4. Adepoju Tinuola

    Thanks for sharing your story Adefisayo
    The Lord that started it with you will never leave you. Thanks for standing strong all the way.
    God will continue to strengthen you

  5. Susan Balogun

    God is great and there is nothing impossible for Him to do.

  6. Blessing

    You’re indeed a miracle.
    God bless you always.

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