Over the years, it has been demonstrated that the majority of people are afraid of things that are unlikely to happen or that, if they do, will not occur within their lifetime.

Many young people today believe that they will never have a decent life because of economic issues, the prevalence of hatred, cyberbullying, insecurities, and other maladies in our cultures.

Elderly people are concerned about their old age, given that the world they knew as children is no longer the same.

So the question of what the future holds for both young people and the elderly instilled worry in people. This is not to say that there aren’t additional hurdles, such as marital, academic, financial, and other issues.

Overcoming Fear

Unfortunately, some people are unaware that they are experiencing fear. One thing we should know is that fear does not originate from God but from the enemy.

Fear will only prevent you from moving forward. Examine yourself to discover if you’re the sort who constantly makes excuses, procrastinates, or delays making an excellent decision.

Hope, joy, and other positive emotions would be prevented by fear. Allow this to serve as an invitation for us to deliberately decide to walk in the assurance that we can still live the kind of life we have prayed for and desire, regardless of what is going on around us.

Also Read What To Do When You Are Anxious 

You could make an awful mistake out of fear if you allow yourself to keep moving away from where God wants you to be.

2 Timothy 1:7 says For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

Overcoming fear certainly involves trying new things. Approach others and exchange ideas; be bold and inventive without worrying about being turned down. You’ll quickly see what a gift you are to the earth if you do this!



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