— People who aren't comfortable waiting for something to happen are sometimes termed 'impatient people.'

Waiting for something or someone can be one of the most difficult tasks assigned to an individual.

People who aren’t comfortable waiting for something to happen are sometimes termed ‘impatient people.’

Sometimes I also find it difficult to wait! I’ve found it difficult to wait for something, especially when I’m unsure when it’s going to happen. Finding it difficult to wait for something doesn’t mean that I do not eventually wait till I get my desired result, but it’s just not easy for me. What, then, can we do while we are waiting without finding it difficult or without seeing it as something inconceivable? We can ask for grace.

Grace is underrated. Grace can do a lot for us if only we ask the giver of grace to give us out of His fullness. The man whose son needed deliverance told Jesus that he believed, but Jesus should help his unbelief.

Sometimes, it’s not because we can’t get it right, but what we lack is the extra backing to lighten our burden. It doesn’t have to be difficult anymore! We could ask for more grace in prayer from the One who gives grace.

God is always ready to make it worth the wait. Abraham waited on God, and he wasn’t disappointed. Simeon waited for Jesus’ birth before he could leave this world, and he wasn’t put to shame. If God is asking you to wait, then wait! While you’re at it, ask for His grace to ease the difficulty. And of his fullness have all we received, grace for grace. John 1:16.


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