— Why Chewing Gum May Be Not Be Complicated 

What Really Does Colgate Have to Say About Chewing Gum?

Colgate is an American corporation that manufactures, distributes, and offers goods for the home, health care, personal care, and veterinary industries. 

Its products are sold in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide, with its areas of specialization over the years including oral care, personal care, home care, and pet nutrition.

Being an authority on oral health, the multinational has responded to inquiries about chewing gum. 

Chewing gum has been around for thousands of years, as you may know. 

Chicle was a plant that the ancient Mayans and Aztecs chewed to clean their teeth, fight hunger, and slake their thirst. So is chewing gum healthy in the modern world? In fact, sugar-free gum has several benefits that extend beyond dental health. 

Treating Bad Breath

Everybody has occasionally had foul breath. Strong-smelling foods, such as onions, garlic, and spices, can make your nose smell terrible and leave a bad taste in your mouth. Nevertheless, more significant oral health issues like gum disease or dry mouth can sometimes present as symptoms of bad smell. Although flavored chewing gums won’t treat these ailments, they can rapidly cover up foul breath. The next time, add a stick of your preferred minty sugar-free gum.

How to Stop Tooth Decay

An experiment published in the Journal of Oral Science found that chewing gum containing the sugar-free sweetener xylitol reduced the amount of oral bacteria in the mouth quickly after chewing. Chewing sugar-free gum immediately after eating is another way that people can lower their risk of tooth decay, according to the American Dental Association (ADA).

Keep in mind that gum cannot replace routine brushing and cleaning of the spaces between your teeth with tools such as interdental cleaners, water flossers, and floss. Maintaining good dental hygiene can help avoid cavities, tartar, gingivitis, plaque, and poor breath. After supper, chewing sugar-free gum can help clear your teeth of food particles and bacteria until you can brush them with a toothbrush.

Boosting the Flow of Saliva

Chewing gum also has the important benefit of relieving the discomfort associated with dry mouth. Gum helps encourage saliva flow, which is beneficial for your mouth’s natural production of saliva.

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It might be difficult for people with dry mouths to swallow, eat, or communicate. Your salivary glands are pushed on by your jaw muscles while you chew, which releases saliva. Therefore, you can assist reduce the symptoms of dry mouth and stimulate saliva by chewing gum on a regular basis.

Teeth Whitening

One may question if chewing gum can make teeth whiter. The surfaces of teeth can get discolored due to a variety of activities, such as smoking and coffee consumption. Fortunately, whitening products—like toothpaste, at-home whitening kits, and even chewing gum—can aid in the removal of some surface stains.

Many whitening chewing gums are available in supermarkets these days.

By increasing salivary flow, these supplements are chewed after meals to assist wash away food particles that could cause stains. The teeth are then coated with the whitening agents to help shield them from stains in the future. Additionally, tooth sensitivity has been linked to teeth whitening procedures; eating gum may be able to reduce this sensitivity as well!

Relieving Stress 

Chewing gum has been shown in studies to help reduce stress related to daily living. In a study that was published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, those who chewed gum on a regular basis for a longer amount of time reported feeling less stressed than those who did not.

Furthermore, more contemporary inventions with anti-anxiety properties include CBD chewing gum. According to preliminary research that was published in Neurotherapeutics, anxiety problems may be treated with cannabidiol, or CBD. Additionally, a lot of people self-report that CBD gum helps them with a variety of issues, such as social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). While more research is being done on this subject, you should always speak with your physician prior to making a switch.

When CBD is ingested through chewing gum, it enters your bloodstream straight through your cheek. Because of its increased bioavailability, CBD may help elevate blood levels, promoting relaxation and a quicker reduction in stress. Furthermore, CBD might provide additional benefits for dental health.

Chewing sugar-free gum has several significant dental benefits in addition to being fun, such as preventing tooth decay and foul breath. There are also countless flavor options. While chewing gum might be a good after-meal treat, it shouldn’t take the place of your regular dental hygiene regimen (keep brushing and flossing!).



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